No dia 31 De Julho de 2011 decidi criar o Blog ao qual chamei Os Looks Da Diana.
A escolha do nome não foi difícil até porque este titulo foi-me sugerido.
No inicio estava reticente acerca da formação do Blog, tinha algumas inseguranças, no entanto depois de meses na dúvida decidi arriscar.
E na verdade fiz em muito boa hora...nos momentos em que fotografo ou que penso num post para o blog estou totalmente absorvida a fazer algo que me dá muito gozo.
Este ano de 2012 espero que seja um ano de muitos sucessos, decerto que continuarei com o meu Blog, e claro sempre que possível tentarei inovar...
Obrigada o todos que até agora tirarem um tempinho para espreitar os Looks da Diana.
Foram 5 Meses Fantásticos com cerca de 5.500 Visualizações :)))
On 31 July 2011 I decided to create the blog to which I called The Looks of Diana.
The choice of name was not difficult because this title was suggested to me.
At first I was reticent about the Creation of the blog, I had some insecurities, but after months in question I decided to risk.
And indeed I did ...because when I think of a photograph or blog post I am totally absorbed to do something that gives me much joy.
This year, I hope 2012 is a year of many successes, I certainly will continue with my blog, and of course whenever possible try to innovate ...
The choice of name was not difficult because this title was suggested to me.
At first I was reticent about the Creation of the blog, I had some insecurities, but after months in question I decided to risk.
And indeed I did ...because when I think of a photograph or blog post I am totally absorbed to do something that gives me much joy.
This year, I hope 2012 is a year of many successes, I certainly will continue with my blog, and of course whenever possible try to innovate ...
Thanks everyone that take a moment to see the Looks of Diana.
Fantastic 5 months were about 5,500 Views:)))
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